BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Pakistan - Promoting Resilience against Natural Disaster Impacts (NADIR)

Country / Region: Pakistan / Asia
Focal Point: Georisks

Begin of project: January 1, 2021

End of project: September 30, 2024

Status of project: April 16, 2024

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, and floods pose a particular threat to Pakistan. Poverty, high population growth and the associated high settlement pressure on previously uninhabited areas increase the physical and social vulnerability of people and infrastructure. Land degradation and inadequate state services exacerbate the vulnerability, placing the country in a high-risk area for natural hazards and subsequent disaster. This inhibits the development process of Pakistan’s community as a whole.

The devastating earthquake of 2005 triggered a paradigm shift in the country's disaster risk management. Following the decentralization of the government structure/ strengthening of the provincial authority in 2011, a consolidation process at the sub-national level and a strategic diversification process into proactive and preventive disaster risk management are currently taking place. This is reflected in the National Disaster Management Plan Implementation Roadmap 2016–2030.

Together with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Pakistan, which is responsible for disaster risk management (DRM) at the national level and which implements the disaster management and disaster risk reduction strategies, BGR is working on the goal of mainstreaming DRM in spatial planning processes in Pakistan. Risk-informed spatial planning, as a preventive instrument, can help to reduce the exposure of the population and infrastructure to geo and natural hazards and can prevent disasters. Based on analyses of the hazards, exposure and risks, a spatial planning process with the participation of many different actors will be developed. This takes into account the potential hazards at the national, but above all at the provincial and local level, where guidelines, strategies and development plans are being implemented.

Through the application of newly developed procedures and processes, there is the possibility of significantly reducing the consequences of natural hazards for the population, the economy and the environment.

The “Promoting Resilience against Impacts of Natural (NADIR)” project, funded with 2.5 million by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, is part of the core topic “Climate and Energy – Just Transition” in the field of action “Climate protection and adaptation to climate change”.

Contributions from previous projects and from the subject area:


Factsheet: Promoting Resilience against Impacts of Natural Disaster in Pakistan


National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)


Lena Maria Lorenzen
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2943

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