BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Pakistan - Georisks in Northern Pakistan II

Country / Region: Pakistan / Asia
Focal point: Geohazards

Begin of project: August 17, 2012

End of project: October 31, 2015

Status of project: September 8, 2015

Damaged house in Hattian at the Jhelum River, Cashmere, PakistanDamaged house in Hattian at the Jhelum River, Cashmere, Pakistan Source: BGR

A great slope slide destroys street connection at the Neelum River, NE Muzaffarabad, Cashmere, PakistanA great slope slide destroys street connection at the Neelum River, NE Muzaffarabad, Cashmere, Pakistan Source: BGR

House damaged by rubble current in Pattatze, NE Muzaffarabad, Cashmere, PakistanHouse damaged by rubble current in Pattatze, NE Muzaffarabad, Cashmere, Pakistan Source: BGR

The Himalaya Region in Northern Pakistan is prone to Geohazards like earthquakes, landslides and floods. To reduce the risk for lives, houses and infrastructure and to improve disaster management and urban and regional planning appropriate knowledge is needed. Land-use planning has to consider conditions on the ground to minimize losses.

In the past tasks and responsibilities of disaster management were not clearly defined amongst government authorities. Therefore the National Disaster Management Authority was established in December 2006.

The overall objective of the project is to support the Pakistani government in its efforts for disaster management and mitigation to protect the livelihood of the threatened population in the Province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and to strengthen the personnel and instrumental capacity of the GSP to provide tools for the relevant departments and lower level administrative agencies. The results displayed and explained by means of maps are to be implemented in spatial planning processes by the relevant authorities as part of their efforts to reduce disaster risk.

The project is implemented in close cooperation with the GIZ programme “Support for good governance in Pakistan”.

Target group of the project is the general population of Northern Pakistan, which will gain from safer living conditions.

Technical Cooperation with Pakistan

Project-No.: 2011.2103.7

Project-ID: 1089

Project contributions:


Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) belongs to the Ministry for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Islamabad


Annette Lisy
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2973
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3689

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