BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Quality test of the numerical flow and transport model for the Asse II mine

Country / Region: Deutschland / Niedersachsen

Begin of project: June 1, 2022

End of project: December 31, 2024

Status of project: August 21, 2023

The Asse II mine is a repository for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste (possibly also high-level radioactive waste – subject of current review). The repository is located in Lower Saxony and was originally a mine for the extraction of potash and rock salts from 1909 to 1964. From 1966 to 2008, the Asse mine was operated as a research facility for the final disposal of radioactive materials. Approximately 47 000 m³ of radioactive waste was stored. On 20 April 2013, the Bundestag (German parliament) passed the law for accelerating the retrieval of radioactive waste and the decommissioning of the mine.

In order to perform environmental impact analyses of the Asse II mine, a numerical flow and transport model for the regional groundwater flow system above the mine is to be created and applied in scenario calculations. The results of the model should enable statements to be made on the transport of escaping radioactive and chemotoxic substances. Further investigations are to be carried out on the hazard and impairment of the biosphere and the influence on groundwater quality.

The development of the flow and transport model comprises the following main steps:

  1. Data acquisition and processing,
  2. Development of a conceptual model and implementation into a numerical model,
  3. Calibration, validation and sensitivity analysis, and
  4. Calculation phase.

Data acquisition and processing is performed by the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE), while all subsequent steps of the modelling are performed by CSD Ingenieure GmbH. In this project, the BGR is responsible for the quality control of all relevant steps of the modelling process.


Technical reports

PECHE, A., KRINGEL, R. & ALTFELDER, S. (2021): Güteprüfung der Berechnungssoftware Feflow: Physikalische Prozesse, Mathematisches Modell, Numerische Methoden, Benchmarking und Anwendbarkeit. Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) on behalf of Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE).



Dr.-Ing. Aaron Peche
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2917

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