BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

ENabling Onshore CO2 Storage in Europe (ENOS)

Begin of project: September 1, 2016

End of project: August 30, 2022

Status of project: February 2, 2017


Stationary soil gas monitoring station of BGR for continuous measurement of CO2 concentration in soil airStationary soil gas monitoring station of BGR for continuous measurement of CO2 concentration in soil air Source: BGR

The project initiative ENOS (ENabling Onshore CO2 Storage in Europe) was launched by the European excellence network CO2GeoNet within the framework of the EU research program H2020 (Call LCE15). BGR is associated with CO2GeoNet by a "Memorandum of Understanding". ENOS is a multidisciplinary project tackling technical and socio-political aspects associated with onshore CO2 storage and is coordinated by the French Geological Survey (BRGM).

The work unit “Organic Geochemistry and Gas Geochemistry”, as part of BGR sub-department B1.5, is involved in the project. Focus of the work is to improve the process understanding of gas transport from the water saturated zone into the soil. This work is closely related to ongoing activities/projects on gas monitoring (CCS, MONACO). Among other activities, BGR will implement soil gas monitoring stations at the pilot injection site in Hontomin (Spain). By combining gas measurements in the groundwater and in the vadose zone, better methodologies for early detection of gas leakage are to be developed. The results are not only applicable for monitoring of CO2, but explicitly also for other gases from the deeper subsurface. Thus, the advisory competence of BGR will be enhanced on other topics (energy storage, fracking, natural gases in groundwater) as well.

Sub-department B3.1 is involved in knowledge-sharing and capacity building activities. For example, BGR will co-ordinate activities of 10 project partners with the aim to develop a CCS e-learning series.


Link to project homepage (homepage has not been set up yet)


29 institutions/organizations from 17 European countries

Promotion / document number:

GA 653718 ENOS

Contact 1:

Dr. Stefan Schlömer
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2792
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-532792

Contact 2:

Stefan Knopf
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2744

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