BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Storage Catalogue of Germany

Begin of project: April 1, 2008

End of project: March 31, 2011

Status of project: November 30, 2011

Example: Thematic map of the Permo-CarboniferousExample of a nation-wide thematic map: Deposits of the Permo-Carboniferous as potential reservoir rock unit. Categorization based on depth and thickness Source: BGR

In addition to the well-established technology of underground gas storage, the growing use of deep geothermal energy and the introduction of geological carbon dioxide storage are attracting increased attention as subsurface use options. For a quantitative and safety-based assessment of the storage potential in Germany, reservoir and barrier rocks need to be investigated systematically nation-wide. In particular, the CO2-emitting industry needs quantitative and reliable information on the storage potential. For this purpose, a geoscientific planning and assessment resource has been developed by BGR and the state geological surveys, in a project called Storage Catalogue of Germany (Informationssystem Speichergesteine für den Standort Deutschland – eine Grundlage zur klimafreundlichen geotechnischen und energetischen Nutzung des tieferen Untergrundes).

The project result is a nation-wide harmonized overview of regions with reservoir and barrier rocks identified for further investigation, with a particular focus on the geological storage of carbon dioxide. For this purpose, nation-wide uniform minimum criteria (depth and thickness) for stratigraphically defined reservoir and barrier rock units have been defined and applied. Based on these criteria, nation-wide thematic maps of 18 reservoir and barrier rock units of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits have been established. These maps, plus header data on deep wells and reflection seismic measurements (including e. g. the data owner and contact information), have been integrated in the GIS-based map-application “Informationssystem Speicher-Kataster Deutschland”.

The project results have been compiled in a synthesis report (Reinhold et al., 2011). This report, the GIS-based map-application and a report on the implemented header data (Bardenhagen & Brauner, 2011) are available as download from this website.

Downloads (in German):


Müller, C. & Reinhold, K. [Hrsg.] (2011): Geologische Charakterisierung tiefliegender Speicher- und Barrierehorizonte in Deutschland – Speicher-Kataster Deutschland. – Schriftenr. dt. Ges. Geowiss., Heft 74; Hannover. (ISSN 1860-1782)

Müller, C. & Reinhold, K. [Hrsg.] (2011): Informationssystem Speichergesteine für den Standort Deutschland – eine Grundlage zur klimafreundlichen geotechnischen und energetischen Nutzung des tieferen Untergrundes (Speicher-Kataster Deutschland). Abschlussbericht. - Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe; Berlin/Hannover. (BGR-Archiv)

Grant number:

The project Storage Catalogue of Germany was co-financed by the COORETEC-Initiative of the German Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and Industry partners (FKZ 0327765).


Geological Surveys of German Federal States

Industrial partners: E.ON, EnBW, Vattenfall Europe Mining


Dr. Christian Müller
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3129
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-2304

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