- Laboratories
- Field instruments
- Scientific databases, specialised information systems
- Evidence and information systems
Basis of our research is the professional and technical infrastructure (FuTI). This includes laboratories, equipment for field use, collections, scientific databases and various digital information systems. FuTI-sections work across all sections and support researchers from all fields. The sections always try to use state of the art technologies, equipment and methods. Since BGR is often facing tasks that cannot be solved with commercially available methods and instruments, it is essential to have capabilities to develop new methods, sensors and technologies.
Laboratory equipment - examples
Source: BGR
BGR runs several quality-assured laboratories constantly kept up to date with the current state of science and technology. These laboratories include among others (important instruments in brackets):
- Inorganic-geochemical laboratory (X-ray fluorescence analysis, optical atomic fluorescence spectrometer, gas chromatograph mass spectrometer),
- Organic-geochemical laboratory (C / S solid analysis including isotope mass spectrometry, Rock-Eval pyrolyser, gas chromatography mass spectrometer (TripleQuad and Time-of-Flight))
- Organic-petrographic laboratory (fluorescence microscope with spectral fluorescence microphotometer),
- Hydrochemical laboratory (ion chromatograph, TCN analyzer, fluorescence spectrometer, Karl Fischer titrator, optical atomic emission spectrometer),
- Gas geochemical laboratory (refinery gas analyzer (RGA), isotope mass spectrometer, gas probes and sensors),
- Soil chemistry laboratory (optical atomic spectrometer, CNS elemental analyzer),
- Soil physics laboratory (data recording system for high-resolution water content / water tension measurement in soils),
- Geomicrobiological laboratory (high pressure reactors, reactors for metal bioleaching, equipment for cultivation and molecular biological analysis),
- Mineralogical laboratory (electron beam microprobe, cathodoluminescence system, fluid inclusion system, laser ablation sector field mass spectrometer, high-resolution mass spectrometer for age determination, μ-EDXRF microscope, vertical geoscanner, core scanner),
- Clay mineralogical laboratory (X-ray diffractometer, infrared spectroscope, differential thermal analyzer with mass spectrometer, scanning electron microscope),
- Geophysical laboratory for seismic interpretation and modeling software (GeoFrame, PetroMod, Paradigm Suite),
- Rock and rock mechanics laboratory (20 creep test stands),
- Micropalaeontological laboratory (freeze drying and coulometry),
- High pressure geochemistry (high pressure reactors 1-750 bar, 30-350 °, extensive in-situ rock sensors; Raman spectrometer).
See e.g. inorganic geochemistry, organic geochemistry, geomicrobiology, mineralogy, stratigraphy
Field instruments
Field devices - examples
Source: BGR
BGR uses many of the most relevant geoscientific investigation methods and has the necessary equipment at their disposal. BGR undertakes instrumental developments where this is technically possible and enough personal is at hand.
We use among others the following instruments:
- Aerogeophysics - helicopter with measuring systems (HEM flight probes with magnetometer, GPS and laser profiler; gamma ray spectrometer; position and altimeter; laser scanner; Helidas console ground station with GPS and magnetometer),
- Remote sensing - sensor complex with hyperspectral camera, ASD field spectrometer and Rollei AIC for helicopter and aircraft operations, drones (UAV) with hyperspectral, photogrammetry and thermal cameras,
- Terrestrial laser scanner for monitoring areas at risk of landslides,
- ground based geophysics - ERT systems (Syscal, Geotom), TEM systems (Fast-TEM, Walk-TEM, Terra-TEM), NMR devices,
- Terrestrial gas geochemistry - quadrupole mass spectrometer, mobile gas chromatograph, mobile sensor-based gas measuring devices,
- Underground geophysics - EMR system for underground use in explosion-proof areas, packer systems for borehole tests,
- Seismology - regional seismological network (GRSN) and arrays (GRF, GERES), infrasound stations (CTBT),
- Marine seismics - streamers, winches, air guns, ocean bottom seismometers, data acquisition and processing systems,
- Marine gravity - Sea Gravimeter System (KSS32M),
- Marine magnetics - sea magnetometers (scalar, vector and gradient magnetometers
- Marine heat flow - soft and hard ground heat flow probes,
- Marine electromagnetics - CSEM systems (Hydra and Golden Eye),
- Marine sampling and surveying - core sampling devices such as piston corer, gravity corer as well as box grabs and chain bag dredge; Deep towed side-view sonar system and multifunctional sledges with deep-sea video and photo system.
See e.g. Remote sensing, geophysics
Scientific databases, specialised information systems
Databases and specialised information systems - examples
Source: BGR
As part of the BGR's geospatial data infrastructure, databases and specialized information systems (FIS) are set up and maintained according to standardized criteria. Content and technical quality requirements guarantee a similar production processes. The legal requirements (GeoZG, INSPIRE, Geological Data Act) form the basis for the standards and evaluation methods.
- National and international pedological, hydrogeological, geophysical and geological specialized data as well as data on the availability of energy resources and mineral raw materials are recorded, harmonized, quality assured and linked together and made available in specialized information systems together with the correspondingly adapted evaluation methods.
- Specialized information and evaluation methods are combined and made available in the cross-thematic FISHyBo and linked to the BGR's special geographic data infrastructure. The data and tasks associated with setting up and using the specialized information systems hydrogeology and soil science are coordinated with the SGD and other national and international partners.
- Organic geochemical and petrographic data are provided for specific and interdisciplinary technical information on hydrocarbon genesis in a database system with evaluation and information modules.
- Basic geographic data (topography) of the BKG are managed centrally for use in the BGR. The current version is always available.
- A content management system for energy resource advice is established.
- Databases and structures for seismological and infrasound data are largely harmonized and integrated into house-wide geodata applications. Data centers for CTBT, the central seismological observatory and the Gorleben seismic network have been merged.
- LIMS laboratory database: The provision and quality assurance of analysis results and measurement data for presentation in the intranet and the link with the specialized information systems in database systems including their maintenance and further development are ensured.
- PaStraLa and Litholex: In the paleontological stratigraphic database PaStraLa the laboratory data of the sample preparation and the stratigraphic results of the sample processing are documented. The stratigraphic units from Germany are recorded in the Litholex database. See e.g. Spatial data management, collections and geological basics
See e.g. Spatial data management, collections and geological basics
Evidence and information systems
Retrieval and information systems - examples
Source: BGR
The work processes for the implementation of the BGR's geospatial data infrastructure and the development and establishment of content and technical quality assurance for application systems are coordinated and standardized.
- Operation of a "central document archive" for the published scientific work of the BGR
- Presentation and provision of products from the specialist levels, e. B. Internet presence, GeoViewer, web services
- Development of standardized modules / products for geogenic hazard analyses and risk-sensitive spatial planning for use in TC projects.