Burundi – Management and Protection of Groundwater Resources
Report of the project:
Location of the working areas (yellow frames) in Burundi (provinces white frames) with neighbouring countries projected onto ASTER GDEM elevation model
Source: BGR
The project was conducted within the bilateral technical cooperation between BGR and the partner of the “Institute Geographique du Burundi” (IGEBU).
Existent wells are mainly situated at valley bottoms. In most cases they are highly bacteria-contaminated at these locations due to lacking waste water infrastructure. Alternative drilling sites located uphill have to be determined to assure good drinking water quality sustainable.
See more
Map „Investigation sites in Kirundo“
NOELL, A. (2014): Report on the Geophysical measurements to support the Technical Cooperation Project in Burundi: Management and Protection of Groundwater Resources as part of the Programme Sectoriel Eau (ProSecEau); BGR, Hannover, Germany.
CHOROWICZ, J. ET AL. (1990): The evaluation of satellite imagery and field spectro-radiometer data for the study of the lithology and the ancient and reactivation tectonics in the vicinity of the East African Rift. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 45, 355-381, Elsevier, Amsterdam.