BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Coccolithophore fluxes from sediment traps in the northeastern Arabian Sea off Pakistan

Report of the project:

Total coccolith, coccosphere, and calcisphere fluxes in the northeastern Arabian SeaTotal coccolith, coccosphere, and calcisphere fluxes in the northeastern Arabian Sea Source: BGR

We investigated coccolithophore fluxes from four sediment traps located in the northeastern Arabian Sea at the continental slope of Pakistan. Two moorings, WPT and EPT (Western/Eastern PAKOMIN Trap), consisting of one and two sediment traps were deployed at water depths of about 500 m and 1500 m . They collected settling particles from October 1993 to February 1994 and from May 1995 to February 1996 at intervals of 22 and 24 days respectively. A longer sampling period was prevented probably due to high sedimentation events which occluded the trap cones.

Both areas were characterised by a strong seasonality in coccoliths fluxes. High fluxes were recorded with up to 2000 x 106 coccoliths m-2 d-1 in the early SW (summer) monsoon and up to 5400 x 106 coccoliths m-2 d-1 in the early NE (winter) monsoon. Generally, coccosphere fluxes exhibited a similar trend but were some orders of magnitude lower than coccolith fluxes.

27 taxa were identified in this study, all well to moderately well preserved and with a small range of diversity. The species composition was dominated by G. oceanica, F. profunda, and E. huxleyi making up about 70 % of the assemblages.

During the SW (summer) monsoon high productivity in the surface waters of the eastern Arabian Sea may be linked to the upwelling system off Oman. Apparently, nutrient-rich surface water derived from the southwestern upwelling areas off Oman with high standing stocks were carried into this area by northeast flowing currents. In contrast, during the NE (winter) monsoon the locally observed high coccolithophore production is hypothesized to respond to local injections of nutrient-rich deep water into the surface water due to sea-surface cooling leading to convection. Consequently, fluxes during the winter monsoon were in the same range as during the summer monsoon.

Selected species from the PAKOMIN traps of the northern Arabian Sea Selected species from the PAKOMIN traps of the northern Arabian Sea Source: BGR


Andruleit, H. A., von Rad, U., Bruns, A. & Ittekkot, V. (2000): Coccolithophore fluxes from sediment traps in the northeastern Arabian Sea off Pakistan.- Marine Micropaleontology, 38: 285-308.


Dr. Harald Andruleit
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2513
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3663

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