BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Evaluation of Point related Soil Information at National Scale in Germany

Country / Region: Germany

Begin of project: January 1, 2002

End of project: December 31, 2007

Status of project: September 30, 2007

Map of soil textureMap of soil texture Source: BGR

The aim of this study is to characterise soil parameters at the national scale. Soil organic carbon and texture point data are used to derive objective and reproducible soil maps. At the same time spatial variability is investigated. Basic point related soil data were taken from the laboratory and profile data base of the Soil Information System (FISBo BGR) provided by BGR. All point data are grouped by area units characterised by specific attributes. In case of soil organic matter these attributes are land use, climate and soil units, in case of soil texture the soil map units of the German soil maps at scale of 1 : 1 000 000. After assigning the point related soil information to the respective units the data sets were evaluated using (geo-) statistical approaches.

Using the representative distributions percentile values for the basic soil properties are derived for the units. To ensure that the spatial distribution of the data set is representative, regional differences within and between landscape units were approved by two approaches: 1. geo-statistical approach and 2. evaluation of data records along selected transects. As a result for most of the legend units of the German soil map respective percentile values of the basic soil properties could be provided. However, for regions identified to have presently insufficient data density further investigation and data compilation is necessary.


Unit Soil Analytics and Soil Protection

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