Workshop Supra-National Ground Motion Service
Anfang: 02.11.2016
Ende: 03.11.2016
Ort: Hannover
BGR and colleagues from European partner countries have started or are planning to establish nationwide Copernicus Sentinel 1 based ground motion services. The idea of a Supra-national Ground motion service was already discussed on different platforms, recently EU Commission level, the EU Copernicus User Forum, at German national and European Geological Surveys (e.g. EGS/EOEG) meetings.
This European User Workshop will address discussions about cross-border cooperation in Europe to establish a Supra-National Ground Motion Service within the Copernicus Program. The user workshop is directed to the following key groups: EU-Commission, ESA, EGS-EOEG, Copernicus User representatives, SMEs, representatives from administration and research and other stakeholders.
The workshop is free; please register until October 24, 2016 via email to
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
Veranstaltungsort: GEOZENTRUM Hannover, Großer Sitzungssaal, Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover